Pricing & Commission | Me99

Pricing & Commission Leave a comment

Me99 charges 2% Commission rate across all categories making it the most profitable platform for you to sell online.

No Registration Fee

Registering as a Me99 seller is free – no cost of creating your account or getting your products listed.

No Collection Fee

You keep 98% of the sale price with no charges on both payment gateway or cash on delivery orders on Me99.

No Penalty

Sell on Me99 stress-free without the fear of
penalties for order cancellations.

Payment Cycle

The settlement amount is securely deposited directly into your bank account following a 7-day payment cycle from order delivery, including cash on delivery orders. You can view your deposited balance and the upcoming payments on the Me99 Vendor dashboard.

Shipping & Delivery


Me99’s shipping service allows you to focus on selling, while we take care of the shipping and delivery. You can sell your products to millions of Me99 customers, schedule delivery with access to local couriers, and have the flexibility to set your own prices.

You can sell your products to millions of Me99 customers, schedule delivery with access to multiple local couriers options, and have the flexibility to set your own prices.

Me99 Return Policy

The Me99 vendor dashboard will provide visibility for returns on your inventory. This means you can make adjustments in real-time and deliver a great customer experience and minimize your order returns. Use the Panel to manage your returns and reduce your processing costs.


Me99 charges 0 penalties for supplier cancellations and auto cancellations. For situations when a supplier is not able to fulfil an order due to lack of inventory or any other unforeseen situation, suppliers can conduct their business tension-free on Me99 without worrying about the fear of paying penalties.

Return to Origin

The shipping partner will try three times to reach the customer. If the customer does not accept the product, it will be returned to you. Me99 will not charge a reverse shipping fee if you have delivered the order within the expected delivery date, but if you have dispatched the product after the expected dispatch date, you will be handed a reverse shipping fee charge.

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